Ryan Young User Experience Designer in Des Moines, IA

Homeowner Headaches and Busy Schedules

Another week behind on the blog, and I unfortunately blame it on a damaging water leak that led to anxiety and hectic schedules.

The worst part of home ownership for me is the maintanence. There seems to be always something. When my home is in chaos, like an unexpected repair or even a planned remodel, anxiousness seeps in. It becomes a nagging reminder in the back of my mind.

In these times, I am usually already worrying about or working on something else – either work or family–related. The added disarray causes me to boil over.

Lately I've been decompressing from our recent move, which butted up with starting a new job. Admittedly, chaos I invited upon myself.

After this week at work, I feel like I am finally starting to acclimate. Though, there is still plenty to learn, at least I am feeling more comfortable and have a sense for how my coworkers operate.

Then the refridgerator sprung a leak. Right before Father's Day weekend no less.

But at home, I tend to be the resolver. I can't sit when there is a problem to address. That probably doesn't help my anxiety.

Unrelated, I did finish Svae the Cat! There was less transferrable advice toward the end. But it was fun to read something very different. I feel like I have a much different perspective watching shows and movies now. And I have my eyes out for how I can use what I learned in my new role at work.


  • What is a research framework and why do we need one?: I wish I could remember how I came about this article. I think it was from looking to visually explain how UX research activities build on each other and what methods are best done earlier or later.
  • The Research Funnel: From the above article, I arrived at the research funnel, which seems to do a nice job explaining the different levels. But it doesn't classify certain activities in each level. That is probably by design because you can adjust many research activities to collect broad or specific insights.
  • A Sketch Artist’s View of Trump’s Impeachment Trial: This came across my desk last week thanks to a Content Director colleague. It's a fascinating look at story telling, and it makes me long for more illustrations in newspapers.
  • LEGO Renegade Runner Pirate Ship: Somehow this specific LEGO set of mine has endured through the decades, and I had to look up the instructions parts of the previously assembled ship came off during the move. Quite a trip down memory lane.