Ryan Young User Experience Designer in Des Moines, IA

What are Week Notes?

Week notes will be my chance to collect my thoughts about many different topics that I dabble in for my job as a UX designer. It will also be an opportunity to share the various sites and articles I come across during research (or out of genuine curiosity).

So often, I notice myself saying, 'Oh yeah! I recently read about that …' but can't remember the source – only to spend the next 30 minutes pecking through my browser history.

I won't get into details about my employer or specifics related to the projects I may be currently working on. But I hope to share knowledge and insight that others may find interesting and relevant.

I definitely feel myself aging toward the next phase of my career, which involves management, though mentoring and coaching are more of the areas I gravitate towards most. Recently, I've reflect on past jobs and found a pattern tied to developing design culture. Either there wasn't one and I wanted to build it, or there was one, and I wanted others to experience it.

Lately, the situation is a mix of the two where there is culture, but the challenge lies in adapting it to fit the new remote working style.

More to come on this topic for sure.


Design Teams

I discovered some design teams at large companies combine marketing and UX groups (something I feel is beneficial for several reasons) and they even have their own sites and blogs!

Design Systems

Lots of card variations across established design systems.

Things I Googled

Code Bits


Fun & Games